Thursday, July 07, 2005

This stock is poised for a meteoric rise this week!!!

A long overdue form of consumer (and business) protection is finally law, as of the first of this month.

I've always considered the fax blast poor marketing form. A nuisance at best and a needless business and environmental cost at worst (when you figure in paper and toner, even if it's only a few sheets a day).

Every office I've ever worked in received those ridiculous penny stock tip sheets. I always wondered who reads those things (usually a pump and dump scheme that the average Joe is not in on) and and is motivated to invest in these so-called companies: "Well, if this came across the fax, it must be legit. I'll buy 500 shares."

There's a time and a place for fax marketing. I don't mind getting the weekly menu/daily specials from a local restaurant I frequent, for example. But most of what comes across is irrelevant and annoying, which is why the new law requiring written permission for the recipient is warranted.

And for the record, I don't have a fax line, largely because of the aforementioned nuisance. I do have a fax machine that I plug in when I know I'm going to send or receive something. And that way I make sure a sender truly does have my permission before sending.

Branding Hall of Shame

I noticed the other day that the man who drives the local ice-cream truck through our neighborhood (playing that instantly recognizable and horribly grating music) has his moniker or handle painted on the side of his truck: "Scary Larry."

Now let's think about this. His target audience is children, and of course parents who fear for their children's safety, even within the confines of what's regarded as a safe neighborhood.

"Here's a couple of quarters, honey. Say 'hi' to Scary Larry for me."

I'm sure Larry's a perfectly nice guy, but he could use a new brand. Otherwise, he's little more than a music box on wheels.